
04 May 2022

New payment gateway: CredPal

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new payment gateway on StoreMantis: CredPal. CredPal is a financial technology company that has developed an innovative solution that allows businesses and individuals to buy anything and pay...

06 Aug 2019

Pricing and Profitability

If you have known the foundational principles of integrated marketing and branding. You have uncovered your competitive differentiators and can segment a market. You can select target audiences and channels that will deliver the business results you ...

05 Aug 2019

How to Choose among Many Pricing Options

How do various pricing approaches influence customers? The paragraphs that follow show some options to consider, based on your overall strategy, cost analysis, pricing strategy, and pricing method. 1. LOSS LEADERS Sometimes companies offer certain me...

01 Aug 2019

Placement Strategies

Placement is the process of choosing the right distribution system for delivering products and services to target markets. A critical element of the marketing mix, placement decisions impact brand presence and market share alike. How you get your pro...

31 Jul 2019

Positioning Brands, Products, and Services

Youve decided there is a market for your products. Youve researched that market and chosen the segments you intend to target. Before finalizing your marketing plan, youll need to decide how to position your brand, products, or services. Positioning ...

30 Jul 2019

Applying Marketing Research

Marketing research is the process of gathering and evaluating information that sheds light on market opportunities and provides data for assessing marketing strategy. Research can reveal everything from consumer attitudes and competitive intelligence...

24 Jul 2019

Finding the Right Domain Name for Your Site.

Finding the Right Domain Name for Your Site. Selecting or changing a domain name (sometimes called a URL for uniform resource locator) is a critical marketing decision. The problem is more than just a simple search for availability on NetworkS...

24 Jul 2019

Renaming your site: Pros and cons

Renaming your site: Pros and cons Its always a challenge to handle renaming a site that doesnt have a great URL. The upside, new traffic from word of mouth and advertising, must offset the downside to be worth it. You face the fol...

23 Jul 2019

What is Competitive Intelligence?

Competitive intelligence (CI) is the action of defining, gathering,analyzing, and distributing intelligence about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment needed to support executives and managers in strategic ...

23 Jul 2019


Selling and buying online has turn to be the order of this 21st century and in a more competitive form. That is why whom so ever wants to start an online business must be properly and adequately informed on the pros and cons in online business.Ca...

22 Jul 2019

What Is a Brand and Why Do I Need One?

I can already sense you rolling your eyes. If you assume you know everything, you know nothing. Dont skip this article, it might be the answer to the questions you have been asking all this while. Ask 10 people to name an iconic brand and wi...

22 Jul 2019

7 Great Pricing Strategies and Methods

As a consumer, you know that prices can fluctuate dramatically from one day to the next. Sale price changes can reflect inventory loads, competitor actions, and market fluctuations. The key is to determine the right price for your particular mark...

20 Jul 2019

3 Amazing Social Networking Tactics

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Foursquare allow people and organizations to connect and interact with friends, colleagues, and fans. These sites provide rich opportunities for you to keep your customers co...

19 Jul 2019


5 PROFITABLE ECOMMERCE BUSINESS IDEAS IN 2019 Have you been considering starting an online business but do not know how to and what to sell?, then this is a must read for you. These five unopposed profitable business ideas has th...

18 Jul 2019

How Small Business Marketing Is Different

All marketing programs need to follow the same marketing process, but the similarities between big business and small business marketing stop there. Budgets, staffing, creative approaches, and communication techniques vary hugely between an internati...

27 May 2019

Breaking! Amazing new mobile website launch!

We are excited to announce the completion of a major upgrade we have implemented on StoreMantis. We have completely overhauled the mobile website feature on our platform. This new upgrade will give your shoppers a fantastic user experience when they ...

12 Apr 2019

Benefits Of Using Social Media For Marketing.

Social media marketing carries many benefits. One of the most important is that you dont have to front any cash for most social media services. Of course, theres a downside: Most services require a significant time investment to initiate and main...

04 Apr 2019

Growing Your Brand with Content Marketing

If you are dabbling in social media to help market your business, you may have heard the expression content marketing, which is the practice of using blog posts, podcasts, videos, and images to promote your product or service. For example, if you...

20 Mar 2019

Price review

We wish to announce a slight review we have made to our StoreMantis pricing. Our prices have remained the same for over 5 years. However, we have needed to change our pricing due to the increased costs of running our service. Our new pricing ca...